Sunday Morning Services
8:15 & 10:45 AM
Sunday School
9:30 AM

About Us
We exist to glorify God by making disciples of all nations. It is our desire for you to worship God, connect with God's people, serve the church and world, and multiply disciple-makers.
Christians are a confessional people. Everything we do is driven by what we believe. Therefore, we seek to be clear with our mission, values, and beliefs.

Connecting with Groups
Discipleship happens best in the context of relationships, and relationships happen best in the context of small groups. We want you to connect to the church by joining a small group. You can learn more about our groups here or you can talk to one of our volunteers on Sunday morning at the tents located in front of the church and the Welcome Center.

Wednesdays @ FIRST
There's a place for everyone during Wednesdays @ FIRST. Join us for our fellowship meal and Bible studies for all ages.