Worship | Connect | Serve | Multiply
We seek to minister to you well through the joys and struggles of life. We want to help you and your family engage in gospel-centered, authentic community.

Learn to be servant-leaders in your home, community, and church through activities like Men of Valor, Monthly Luncheon, and Prayer Coffee.
Find encouragement and support from other women who love the Lord through Sunday School classes and our Wednesday Night Women's Ministry.
Young Adults
Find deep connection and authentic community within a multi-generational church during corporate worship and small groups.
Sunday Mornings For Adults
Worship with us at 8:15 or 10:45 am.
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Discipleship happens best in the context of relationships, and relationships happen best in the context of small groups. We want you to connect to the church by joining a small group. You can learn more about our groups here or you can talk to one of our volunteers on Sunday morning at the tents located in front of the church and the Welcome Center.
Wednesday Nights
On Wednesdays, there's a place for you and your family. Join us for a night of fellowship with a meal and Bible Studies.