
First Baptist Family,
Thank you for your flexibility this past week. As most of you know, our HVAC unit in the sanctuary died, and we have a part on back order. Therefore, we will have to meet in the Fellowship Hall until the part comes in and new units are installed. At this point, we don’t know how long that will be. So for the time being, everything will pretty much run like it did last Sunday: 3 services (8:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 10:45 AM) in the Fellowship Hall. We have some Sunday School classes who will meet during the 8:15 AM time slot and will come to the 9:30 AM worship. If you’re not sure when and where your Sunday School class is meeting, ask your teacher or call the church office.
“The Lord is in the Interruptions”
I was talking to Chris Duke the other day as we planned some details for worshipping in
the Fellowship Hall and he made a statement that has stayed with me: “The Lord is in the interruptions.” It’s interesting to think about our current situation in light of the recent revival that took place on the campus of Asbury Seminary. It was just a normal chapel service that didn’t end. They allowed God to interrupt their schedule for the sake of worship. While the events here are different, one element remains the same: The Lord is in the interruptions. This is something God has been teaching me personally. God will often get our attention when we’re out of our normal routine. Routines are good and rhythms are healthy, but from time
to time, God will allow our routines to be disrupted in order to do something in our lives, to move in on us and allow some holy discomfort. This can happen through financial setbacks, illnesses, or even broken HVAC units.
Nothing catches God by surprise. One thing God might be reminding us is that the church worship gathering is less about where we meet and more about with whom we meet. After all, the church is a people, not a place or program. Every Sunday we get to gather is a gift, whether we’re gathering in the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall. Let’s remember to enjoy that gift.
I love you, First Baptist, and I’m thankful for your amazing attitude and versatility. Let’s worship hard this Sunday as we gather together and commune with God!
- Pastor Ben

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